
A quali punti dovremmo prestare attenzione dalla progettazione all'installazione nella personalizzazione dell'illuminazione dell'hotel?

2023-03-01 13:00

With the increasing demand for personalized customization of hotels in the market, it is difficult to find personalized lamps that are very suitable for hotel needs in the general market. Therefore, the hotel will consider its own actual situation and require the lighting design company to tailor the engineering lighting suitable for the hotel environment. What factors should be paid attention to in hotel engineering lighting?

1. Lighting brightness and style required by hotel environment

According to the environmental design of the hotel, it is suitable for the lighting brightness of the hotel and the general interests of hotel customers. Proper lighting facilitates the work of the hotel, and at the same time gives them a good atmosphere, so that users feel at home and let them stay in the hotel next time.

2. Choice of lighting materials when customizing lighting for hotel lighting.

Using low power LED chip as light source, the service life of hotel engineering lamp is longer than that of ordinary light source lamp. At the same time, when the room temperature is 45 and the chip temperature exceeds 65 , the service life of lamps will be greatly reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to have strict requirements on the materials of lamps used. Lamps made of inferior materials may not see any shortcomings in a short time, but long-term use will lead to rust, discoloration and yellowing, light attenuation and other problems, and the material requirements will determine the customization of lamps.

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3. The price factor of hotel lighting customization.

The prices of lamps of the same grade are basically the same, but due to the different manufacturing processes of manufacturers, the prices may have certain deviations. However, if the price of lamps differs too far from the market price, there will definitely be a gap in such lamps. Customization of hotel lighting, we must choose good faith, strength and reputation of lighting manufacturers.

Customized hotel lighting safety.

Because hotel lamps are usually customized lamps, especially in the hotel lobby, the lamps are very large and the weight must not be too light. The safety of lamps and lanterns is the key factor, and the bearing capacity of installation components is the key part.

In a word, the main purpose of hotel lighting customization is to customize appropriate lighting according to the comprehensive factors of the hotel, control the quality of lighting, and make the budget well controlled.

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